"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Friday, April 21, 2006

Hello. Goodbye. (And I have a cover too)

Fridays don't tend to be this busy. But there you go. I thought I would do two blog entries before the weekend. This second one is more of a farewell and greeting one for my working life as it is my last day on the job here on Target Strategy Team (say it three times with a mouthful of rice-crispies). On Monday I join South Yorkshire District Performance Team - so hello to them, and goodbye to ol' And now for the writing side of things... Will Atkins sent me a mock-up for the cover of The Secret War, and it's fantastic. It's not what I originally visualised the cover to be, instead it has actually surpassed what I suggested. It more than does the job of being both striking and conveying the overall theme and tone of the book. A wonderful job by the Macmillan designers! I'm not in a position yet to show you all what the cover is, but it's in the post and I can't wait to upload it on this blog. Have a good weekend all!