After a really profitable four days of business lunch, book launch and plenty of writing over the weekend (6,000 words no less), Monday arrived with it’s usual promise of day-job drudgery. But hey, at least I’m making progress on the new book! Anyhoo, today’s blog entry is quick and dirty, so here goes…
Order Forms of the Conventional Kind
Those kind people at Macmillan, or rather Will my editor and Sophie his assistant, have armed me with some Secret War order forms to take to the Nottingham Convention on the 22nd. If anyone attending the Fantasy-Con at the end of the month is reading this, I'll see you there (and no, I won't rope you in on order-form duty either. Promise.)
Scott Matthews
Timing isn’t always great, especially when like buses, things come at once. Due to work commitments I missed out on going to the Scott Matthews gig in Sheffield last Wednesday. It might be a wild stab in the dark, but did anyone reading this go? Scott is a pretty talented geezer, and his album Passing Stranger is damn fine by the way. Hopefully I’ll catch a gig in the near future as he travels the length and breadth of the UK…
To paraphrase Professor Farnsworth from Futurama, “Good news everyone”, the website is almost done. Mel – my great gal-graphic designer – is putting the finishing touches on the site as you read this, and this Thursday I get a progress meeting to see how it’s all going. I’ve submitted the words so it’s now just a couple of weeks before the site goes live. I’ll do a comprehensive blog entry on what to expect from the site in a week or so.