After bemoaning the amount of time I spend reading, I am now ankle deep in reading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, re-reading Milton’s Paradise Lost, and reading Steven Pressfield’s Alexander - the former two for research purposes for the 2nd draft of The Burning Sands of Time, the latter purely for pleasure.
This Sunday, if you are lucky enough to live within receiving distance of BBC Radio Sheffield, you will catch me doing an interview in the morning with Dean Pepall on a slot called “That Was Then”. Not sure if I have a good radio voice or not, but we’ll see…
I’m also off to London in a couple of weeks for another launch do, this time Jonathan Drapes’ (I’ve added his website to the links left). So I should a have a few photos of the “gang” on this blog in the next couple of weeks, and then it’s my book launch at Sheffield in Waterstones. The invites have all gone out, the replies are pretty much all in and the books are being ordered for the event (a modest number of around 80 or so copies). It’s all come around so quickly – like getting married – but I can’t wait.
All that preparation, all that hard work, patience, heartache, elation and revelation, is finally about to pay-off.
A Secret War is coming…