BBC Radio Sheffield
Well I tried, but the interviews on Radio Sheffield are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced, so I won’t be posting the Sunday interview on my website. The only copy of the show is actually on a tape cassette in my bedroom and unless you decide to break into our house (which I advise you not to do), no-one will ever hear it again.
Ah well…
I hate making promises but not keeping them, so it’s with a heavy heart that I announce the Necrodyssey project has been put on hold. My publisher wants me to concentrate on the new book, The Burning Sands of Time (which will be undergoing a title change soon), which makes sense. If The Secret War generates momentum, then MNW want to keep it going as long as possible. The follow-up would do that nicely, and as I’m writing it between the day-job, I’d better to start the 2nd draft soon. Even if it means sacrificing another project…
…That’s not to say Necrodyssey is a dead project. Or rather it is… Ahem
I’m off to London again. This time to Jonathan Drapes’ book launch for Never Admit to Beige published by Macmillan New Writing (and also a Radio Five Live book of the month!). I’ll take some photos while I’m there and post them right here on the blog. Apart from catching up with everyone, it will be an opportunity to chat to my editor and publishing assistant about next January, as well as some well needed Christmas shopping.
Is it me, or is it bloody difficult to buy presents for older family members these days?
And finally
It’s almost here. A month away in fact. And yes, I’m excited (and at times I just can’t hide it!).
In a month’s time (a short time indeed, though at the moment it’s very much obscured by Christmas lights and shopping for presents) this book will be available to buy…
Already there’s been some pre-orders on Amazon, yet I’ve no idea how that translates into sales. Not that I’ll be too obsessed with my Amazon ranking – after all, it’s pretty meaningless at the end of the day… Just see this link.