It is a far cry from the writing environment eight years ago that amounted to no more than a box room, sitting on the edge of a bed with a keyboard perched on my lap. I’m a big believer of having a comfortable writing space – not too cluttered and distracting, but with plenty around to inspire.
The major(minor) difference between this writing space and the last, is the rejection spike – a Philips screwdriver that I stuck into a desk-tidy where I impaled all my rejection letters – especially around The Secret War. These letters are now nicely stored in a folder to the right, along with the first acceptance letter I received from Macmillan publishers…
…Still, the spike might come out of retirement when I start submitting my children’s novel (a redraft of A World of Night) in a few months time.
I’m optimistic, sure, but children’s fiction is currently the hardest market to crack!