Well it’s Friday and I’ve a none-writing weekend ahead of me for once, so I thought I’d do a quick blog before I sign off for a couple of days of hedonism.
“Where can I…
…get a copy of The Secret War?” was a question posed to me recently by someone at work. My usual answer is “anywhere, really,” which I suppose masks the availability of the book in the UK - but that availability is growing. I happened upon a neat little tool on the Waterstones website which actually shows the availability of the book in their stores up and down the country (which you can find by clicking here).
I told them you can get it on-line too, and the list of on-line booksellers stocking The Secret War is growing (including European stockists ranging from Holland to the Czech Republic). It’s odd seeing your book described in Czech, Italian, French and Japanese, but it’s also pretty cool. I can’t wait to see Goldman’s German translation of the book when it comes out in 2008.
Roll on Der Geheime Krieg!!
When the cinema is too expensive…
…I do something else at the weekend. Usually its either going to the local pub, watching a DVD, or this Friday, going to a gig. My first gig, actually, in four years (eight if you discount a mate’s band). Which is a little sad, really. Ten years ago I’d be found at one or more gigs a week, and spend all summer at music festivals. I wouldn’t say I’ve grown out of it, just that I have other things to spend my time and money on.
But not tonight.
Myself and a few friends are off to see Scott Matthews play at Plug in Sheffield. I’ve been a fan of Scott’s for a while (through the influence of a close friend, Lee) and Passing Stranger is a fabulously eclectic album. With the possibility of backstage passes too, it’s something I’m looking forward to as the working-week winds down.
Scott’s gig kicks of the weekend nicely - followed by a drink-filled visit to Shrewsbury… and probably more shameless promoting!
Now where the hell did I put those promo-cards?
The End is Nigh
Despite taking a well-earned break from writing this weekend, the 2nd draft of The Secret of Mhorrer is almost done. And that makes me happy for two reasons. The first, is that I scheduled 2nd drafting to begin in March – to complete the final draft by the end of summer. By starting earlier than planned, the 2nd draft is two chapters away from being finished and it isn’t even April yet.
So I’m way ahead of schedule, clawing back three months that I lost during the 1st draft’s ‘mare.
The second reason for being pleased, is draft 2 itself. I can’t believe how much of an improvement it is over the 1st draft. It reads so much better – the plotting is tighter, the characters are deeper, the adventures are furious. For the last couple of chapters I’ve been writing with a manic grin stretched across my choppers.
And sometimes – just sometimes – I’ve been accused of laughing at the page.
Yet I swear, the page - on occasion – has laughed back…
And finally...
I've received my first pay statement from Macmillan New Writing!!! Don't get too excited though, it's only for the period between June and December last year (the book wasn't published until January!) so it covers only pre-ordered books and other bits and pieces.
Still, the numbers pre-ordered were quite promising (and if you were one of those who did, my dearest thanks!).