"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Agent Handover

Right then. I’m going to cheat for the next week while I dig deep and break the back of the third draft. It’s going surprisingly well (too well – and the pessimist sitting inside my skull, holding onto my eye sockets with a look of despair, believes I will hit a brick wall at some point – fuck knows when or where…).
So I’m handing over to David Isaak, who is bravely embarking on a hot topic of mine: agents. Click here to fly over and join the debate (when it starts). I’ll even jump in with my two-pennith when I get some time off for good behaviour!

For the record, my opinions on agents have not changed so much since I posted a blog entry way back in April 2006 (see link at the end - Blogger is pissing me about as per usual). Except to say that agents are a good idea at the right place at the right time. When that is, is open to debate, but I certainly don’t believe every writer should have an agent and even then literary agents should be regulated properly (and more so than they currently are) .

As for literary consultants… oooh, don’t get me started.

Link to April agent entry: here.