Perhaps compared to a mountain vista or luxurious beach view, it doesn't seem much, but hey, this is Sheffield! And whenever I sit down to write, this is what I see – inspiring even on a wet and cold day, quite beautiful on a sunny day (which is pretty bloody rare at the moment).
The view certainly makes up for the torrid week I’ve just had. The move from our flat was not exactly traumatic, but chaotic and time-consuming. It means I’ve had to delay sending the new book to Macmillan New Writing until the following week. I am midway through the read-through, but one of my readers has come up with several valid points about the ending that will need addressing. It's an exhausting process, and I'm at the end of my physical and mental tether at the moment.
Still, a holiday after this malarky looms and hopefully a few days of relaxation.
Unfortunately, the delay means that the new blog for Macmillan New Writers will not be ready for a while.
So this blog will be staying a little longer.
And finally the shortage of available time means blog entries here will be surprisingly short for the next couple of weeks. Hell, it’s even possible that the ravages of time will cause blog entries to finish rather abru