It’s been too long since I sat down to write. “Too long” being 3 and ½ weeks. So I’m setting pen to paper - or fingertips to keyboard - once more, to write a couple of short stories.
First up is “Gray Test Hits”, a sci-fi/noir tale about paranoia and contract-killing. I’ll follow this with a short story called “The View” which is a warm-up piece for The Isles of Sheffield, and I might even turn my hand to a Dar’uka short story. I’ve several bubbling around my brain, and depending on the result of The Burning Sands over the next two weeks, I may well set the ideas down.
So, like A Well in the Flesh, these will be mini-projects to keep the ol’ brain going, and the imaginative-ovens burning. I’m not sure about having them published – we’ll see how they turn out. I might seek a small-press publisher/magazine or website. Or I might even publish them myself on my own website (see link left).
Either way, I’m now back at what I do best.