Which is great, I guess, since I can relax for a couple of weeks and not worry about it.
Between now and then, it’s time to simply chill.
But I’m not sure I know how to.
I wasn’t planning to write anything between now and November, but already the first two pages of the Isles of Sheffield have been scribbled down and I’ve come up with yet another novel called “The Exiles” which has been added to the bulging file at the end of my desk.
I don’t really want to start on anything that’s going to aggravate my November start on the new project, so I might look at a couple of short stories if the urge becomes too great, and there’s always “A Well in the Flesh” which was part-way complete.
Then there’s this blog, which needs attention for the remainder of its shelf-life (one that’s been extended until I find out about the fate of the new book). And finally there’s the new blog which I’ll be tackling next week.
And If all else fails, I’ll just dive into this pile of books I purloined from my Mum’s loft over the weekend…