…Will shortly be changing to “A ‘Spot of Blood”.
In order for this blog to integrate with the official MFW Curran website, it will undergo a presentational shift over the next couple of weeks. Please bear with me while the change takes place – I promise it will be mostly painless, but it might take a few days.
The transformation ensures I get the most out of Blogger, but also removes any confusion with a second blog I’ve recently created, called Macmillan New Writers – a communal blog that showcases authors on the Macmillan New Writing list (click here to access).
But don’t worry, the content of this blog will stay the same, as will the web address (out of simplicity and nostalgia – so there’s no need to change your favourites/browser/link-address or adjust your television set…)
The future is red.
The future is splat-shaped.