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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Can anyone here read German?

Historically, October tends to be a lucky month for me. There have been many milestones in my life that have occurred in October, and this year has been no exception.

Apart from the good news that Macmillan New Writing have taken the second book, I also received a rather pleasant package in the post this week from Macmillan’s rights department: five gorgeous looking paperbacks of Random House/Goldman’s German translation of The Secret War.
They’re beautifully presented, and for purely narcissistic reasons I love that my name is nicely embossed on the cover. It’s also a thicker book – though nothing’s been added to the story as I understand it (though I wouldn’t know anyway, not being able to read German - which is something I will look to remedy).

Wachter Der Schatten appears on German bookshelves in November, and I wonder how the German public will take to it? The cover is striking enough (I would buy it) and I’m sure Michael Nagula’s translation is flawless and faithful (I’m in good company – among the other authors Michael has translated are Terry Brooks and Marion Zimmer Bradley).

Time will tell if it’s a success over there. But not surprisingly, I feel quite excited about it.