The blogging world is quite fluid. Blogs rise and fall, bloggers fall in and out of love with their muses, and in the world of literary blogs, writers suddenly realise they should be writing a story or a poem or whatever, rather than casting their immediate thoughts, feelings and observations down on screen for an audience on the world wide web.
So it’s not surprising when some blogs are abandoned. First up is the Charkin Blog, which has now closed it’s doors permanently (that is unless Richard Charkin takes up a similar obsession having moved to Bloomsbury, or someone else takes up the mantel at Macmillan). Next there’s Lucy McCarraher and Cate Sweeney, who appear to have called time on their respective blogging enterprises, having not blogged anything in months probably to pursue other things. So with abandonment comes the removal of the link (which I do with regret as I’ve spent many an enjoyable hour on all three blogs).
And then there’s this blog. I’m still unsure whether I’ll be keeping it going or not. There’s only so much you can say about publishing and being an author without it descending into parody. I might keep it as a tool to promote writing projects and any publicity-gumph. Or I might just end it.
But not yet. Not yet.
There’s still the matter of the sequel… And it’s fate should be decided pretty soon…
Post Script:
Gray Test Hits is evolving. From starting out as a short story, it’s now a novella.
But if there’s any danger of it becoming a novel, I might have to pull the plug on the whole thing… This writer’s brain is too small for another epic.