"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The slow and winding (down) road

Like some great steam-powered engine, this blog is starting the inevitable wind-down. The gears have been dropped, the steam is barrelling away and fading from the funnels and the pistons are grinding to a halt. And why? Well because a fiction writer needs to concentrate on what he does best: telling stories.

In two weeks time I’ll be typing the first paragraphs of The Black Hours (something I should have done this month, but due to various things like Sarah’s sister’s wedding not to mention the further nips and tucks of The Horde of Mhorrer, it didn’t happen). Once I get involved in the new book I think only news about the publication of The Horde of Mhorrer and the paperback of The Secret War will tempt me back to the blogging-sphere. That and any trials and tribulations that occur during the writing of my third book.

So in a couple of weeks, blog entries here will be few and far between. I’ll still be posting the occasional blog entry on the Macmillan New Writers blog of course, but even there they’ll become fewer. So if you come here expecting a new blog entry every week, my sincerest apologies. I’ll try to get one done every fortnight or so (I’m loathed to take a sabbatical, ala Grumpy Old Bookman, so I will be blogging occasionally) so do not despair. Nor will I disappear completely and you’ll still find me commenting on other blogs (see the links on the right).

But yes, it’s time to lock myself away in that tower of black bricks, with that heavy oak door, with no one to speak to apart from the spiders and dust fairies.

Oh, and my imagination of course. Mustn’t forget that…