"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Friday, May 02, 2008

Dreams of a Luddite

For the third week running I don’t have e-mail. Sure, I have at work (not to have it there would be simply preposterous, wouldn’t it?), but at home I’m un-contactable, which is good because I don’t have to deal with that ridiculous amount of spam that spews over the monitor each time I log-on, but not so good if anyone is trying to get a hold of me.

So this weekend I’m crawling out of my luddite skin to upgrade the ol’ PC tower to the home’s third laptop*, and get myself broadbanded (yes, I told you I was a luddite, but there’s only so much of BT Pay-as-you-go I can stand!). Hey, I might even get mobile broadband; become an ultra non-luddite while I’m there.

I suppose this is all a little non-newsy, except if you’ve been trying to contact me via the website. No, I’m not ignoring you, I just didn’t know you were there. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I’ll be all ears… eyes and perhaps fingers…

*Before anyone asks why I have three laptops, the answer is simple: one to write on (yes, I’m that paranoid of viruses), one to surf the net on and play DVDs through the telly, and I’m also the new recipient of a writer’s best friend, an ASUS Eee PC – the finest smallest laptop 200 quid can buy. It’s replaced the various notepads and pens dotted around the house, and I can carry it around without getting a hernia… Priceless.