…For those not in the know, Sci-Fi Now (along with Deathray) has been going for just a couple of years, yet already it’s blazed a trail through the newsagents, providing great relief for what has been almost ten years of mediocre and disposable treatment of sci-fi, horror and fantasy from the newsstands (with a couple of notable exceptions from the small-press). Both Sci-Fi Now and Deathray are high content, high comment magazines and for me have largely filled a void left by the long defunct FEAR magazine in the early 90’s (especially since Deathray has started publishing fiction). I’ve been buying both magazines regularly over the last 18 months, and have not been disappointed (well not completely – when Deathray missed the odd issue and decided to go bi-monthly, I admit I held my breath expecting the worst…). Hopefully both publications will get the chance to grow their readership – and if you’re into this sort of stuff, you should check them out…
(…By the way, Sci-Fi Now also ran the first review for The Hoard of Mhorrer in their January issue and this is what they said):
“Curran is a relatively new writer, but his prose is crisp and well-formed, moving at a decent enough pace to sustain momentum during the quieter moments, exploding into action scenes that have a visceral sense of momentum about them…Curran is obviously an exciting new talent in the science-fiction and fantasy scene...” – Sci-Fi Now

Waterstone’s, Sheffield Orchard Square
Goldsboro Books, Cecil Court London
Waterstone’s, Piccadilly, London
And for signed paperbacks of The Secret War, you could do no worse than check out:
Waterstone’s, Sheffield Orchard Square
Waterstone’s, Piccadilly London
Borders, Oxford Street London
Over the next couple of months, I aim to sign a few more books at stores in North Yorkshire, Cheshire and Manchester – watch this space (or that one over there) for further information…