However, someone close to me advised that while the website and the blog are of interest to me creatively, they should also be used as positive advertising. “Get some bloody reviews on there!” they said, so I have. In fact, I’ll be sticking them to the right of here, under the books themselves (“What they said…”).
Where I can, I’ll put links to the entire reviews for people to read them at their leisure, or links to the magazines where the reviews herald from. But for ease of reading, I’ve cobbled a few of these quotes together below for both books (just a few, mind, still a little shy about these things – don’t like to blow the trumpet too loud…):
“It's well written and well paced with the mud & blood of battle coming through strongly without obsessing over the gore. …it's an excellent read and thoroughly absorbing.” Un:Bound
“Curran has produced a debut novel that’s tremendous fun…” Historical Novels Review
“The Secret War is well written and an easy page-turner…” Chronicles
“…Worth the read if you like your warfare bloody and brutal… ‘The Secret War’ ended up being one of those books that I pick up, on a whim, and find myself really enjoying. There’s nothing too deep here but there is plenty to keep you hooked and involved. I’m looking forward to reading the sequel very soon.” Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review

“Curran is obviously an exciting new talent in the science-fiction and fantasy scene… his prose is crisp and well-formed, moving at a decent enough pace to sustain momentum during the quieter moments, exploding into action scenes that have a visceral sense of momentum about them.” Sci-Fi Now Magazine
Anyway. Enough trumpet blowing for this morning. Books don’t write themselves, now, do they?