"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Monday, August 03, 2009

Two good things, one blind thing

Well the good news is that I’ve started writing the third book today. I’m now 4,000 words into the first draft of The Fortress of Black Glass, and I’m quite pleased with how it’s gone. Other than showing I’m able to write under the influence of a three and a half month old baby (who wants constant attention and has started to laugh at anything and anyone), I’ve written these words with a burst blood-vessel under my eye-lid, looking more like Le Chiffre from Casino Royale, than a thirty-something writer, having to dab the blood from my eye periodically so I can see what I’m bloody doing. But it’s there on the screen, and it reads well, especially for a first draft (it usually takes me a couple of drafts to write something I’m that happy with.)

The second thing to be pleased about is that the MFWCurran website has been updated again, with interviews and reviews, the books and other announcements you may have caught here or might have passed you by. The contact details have yet to be updated but to beat the SPAM filter - if you want to get hold of me, e-mail mfwcurran@talktalk.net and put in the subject header: “Muskets and Monsters”. I’ve got a rule running on my e-mail that will weed this out from the spam…