It’s been quiet here of late, not because there hasn’t been anything going on, but because there has been
plenty going on behind closed doors and I haven’t had the time to put it all down in the blog.
To me, a blog is an on-line diary, somewhere to put down one’s thoughts as well as news, and lately I haven’t been in a position to be opinionated on anything (which shouldn’t be confused with
not having any opinions – I’ve recently had plenty, littered amongst the MNW blog, other writer blogs as well as
Bookseller). However, time is not just at a premium, it’s like gold-dust or worse: hen’s teeth, and this blog is falling down the priority pecking order at a fast rate. I can no longer justify to friends and family and my publisher, spending hours a week on blog entries, not while I’m writing a new novel, a day job and while I have a 6 month old baby to entertain.
So the short term future of this blog has been decided.
Musket and Monsters will cease to be a blog until further notice. It will still reside on Blogger; it will still exist, but it will be rarely updated and only with news items to do with the books and appearances as and when they happen. It’s easier and quicker to update this site than it is with the website which is updated every five months or so. It means you can feel free to visit as usual, and you can expect a news item every few weeks or so (sooner in the next couple of months as I hope to provide some news on Book 3 of the Secret War), but my ruminations on writing and publishing will be taking very much a back seat from now on.
This is not ideal, but then as soon as Sarah and I decided to start a family it was never going to be.
At least the novel writing still continues and that’s the main thing, getting the books to my publisher, and getting them to you.
Everything else, as they say, is a bonus…