First off, Muskets and Monsters has been nominated for the Author Blog Awards. Hoorah! This blog has never been nominated for anything before, but I do feel a bit of fraud having not blogged so regularly over the past 12 months. You can read more about the Author Blog Awards here and while I don't expect to win (the internet is quite crammed with author-blogging goodness these days) I am chuffed that someone would nominate me.
Double chuffed-ness comes from a new review for The Secret War from the pages of Prism, the newsletter of the British Fantasy Society. It's always great to read a positive review that says things like: "…Curran has an engaging style which has produced a very entertaining book…" and "Curran's talent is in ascension, and I for one cannot wait to read the sequel…"
Ironic that I get another great review while I have one foot out of the door, but like all the great reviews for the two books, they're things I can take with me when I look for my next publisher.
And while I’m here, just to add that I start writing The Traitor of Light next week having completed two weeks of intensive research on the project. This will mean a hiatus on blogging and twittering while I juggle writing and looking after the wee man so bear with me.
Until then, onwards, dear friends, onwards!