"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Friday, April 09, 2010

Awards and reviews

A little bit of news before the weekend...

First off, Muskets and Monsters has been nominated for the Author Blog Awards. Hoorah! This blog has never been nominated for anything before, but I do feel a bit of fraud having not blogged so regularly over the past 12 months. You can read more about the Author Blog Awards here and while I don't expect to win (the internet is quite crammed with author-blogging goodness these days) I am chuffed that someone would nominate me.

Double chuffed-ness comes from a new review for The Secret War from the pages of Prism, the newsletter of the British Fantasy Society. It's always great to read a positive review that says things like: "…Curran has an engaging style which has produced a very entertaining book…" and "Curran's talent is in ascension, and I for one cannot wait to read the sequel…"
Ironic that I get another great review while I have one foot out of the door, but like all the great reviews for the two books, they're things I can take with me when I look for my next publisher.

And while I’m here, just to add that I start writing The Traitor of Light next week having completed two weeks of intensive research on the project. This will mean a hiatus on blogging and twittering while I juggle writing and looking after the wee man so bear with me.

Until then, onwards, dear friends, onwards!