Well, it’s been a curious old week, full of day-job woes, writing highs and a well received royalty statement, but one of the biggest surprises has been the announcement that
The Hoard of Mhorrer will be published by La Factoria de Ideas.

Originally conceived as part of the deal last year that has already seen
The Secret War published as “
La Guerra Secreta” this week (and if you are a Spanish speaker/reader just
click this link to view the official site or alternately go to this great site,
Axxon.com, which has a whole lotta information on the publication too), it was confirmed to me this week by Macmillan’s rights department that La Factoria de Ideas have also signed up the second in the Secret War series under their Solaris Fantasia imprint. At the time of going to press (always wanted to say that!) there is no publication date though I expect it will be within the next 12 months. I’m thoroughly excited about this. The Spanish market is one of the biggest in the world and to think that anyone from Spain, the US and the Americas could be reading one of my books brings a big ol’ grin to my face.
My added apologies to all English readers, though, as it seems our friends over in Germany and Spain will be reading paperback versions of
The Hoard of Mhorrer before you do, but my agent and I are working as hard as possible to get this matter resolved.
With luck, we’ll have some good news to tell you in the coming months…