Roger Morris tagged me for this meme - The Next Big Thing - that's been doing the rounds on the internet, a meme that's had me scratching the ol' brain matter for a day or so. You see, I feel like I'm out of training, publicity wise, not to mention getting it on with a full blown writing project, which is what this meme is about.
I guess you could say that recently my "media" hasn't been that social. I've had a lot going on; it's been a difficult time just to keep a thought in my head. A really tough time for writing.
The main reason for this was our littlest, who was rushed into children's A&E last month due to problems with his breathing. He was put on oxygen for five days, and it scared the shit out of me. It happens to young children all the time, but when it happens to your own, it's very different. It's taken weeks to just get over that little episode, and when I can concentrate, I've been working on a little project that should see publication next year. (I'll say more once it's official ;) ). So it ain't all doom and gloom.
This year has been a strange one for me. I've not completed a single draft of a novel, only completed one novella, a short story, and edits on the revised edition of The Secret War. It's been a fractured writing year really, of projects (Thirst eDition Fiction), renewed publicity, finding talents I didn't think I had (composing music and cover design) and of course family life which takes up most of my energies at the moment. I won't go into the day-job here; it's something that pays the bills, helps a few people but is hampered by lofty decisions that I do not agree with in the slightest.
So, when this meme from Roger dropped in my inbox, it got me thinking. So I've used it as a spring-board for 2013 - a year when I'll be making up for 2012. A year for two projects. Yep - crazy - but I've done the maths, and it can be done. One book will be on a faster track than the other, but in theory I'll have two books completed by 2014.
Wanna know more?
Then read the post below ...