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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wächter der Schatten

Well, I was most pleased to see that Amazon.de has printed details of the Goldmann edition of The Secret War. Translated by Michael Nagula (if I've got that right!), the book comes out this November under the title Wächter der Schatten:

I’m quite impressed with the cover – kinda like James Herbert meets Alexander Kent. I’m trying not to be too excited about it (but it’s difficult – especially when your name takes up a good quarter of the artwork!).

In terms of royalties, I suspect I won’t get a penny beyond the lump sum paid to both myself and Macmillan in September and then next April, but I’m not bothered about that. Just the idea of being published in Germany has me grinning from ear to ear. The German’s are voracious readers and love their Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror, so should Wächter der Schatten do well… then I think it bodes very well for the follow-up…

…Which I still need to complete…

…And still requires a title…

Back to work then...