"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Friday, November 23, 2007

Over there…

…on the Macmillan New Writers blog, I’ve just posted a slim blog-entry on the issue of e-books and Amazon’s new e-reader, the Kindle (click here to have a gander).

I’ve spoken about e-books on this blog before, but as the Kindle grows in popularity, and with MNW’s authors already electronified, I thought I’d raise the issue again.

And on the subject of being electronified, I’ve amended the side-bar to include a link to a sample chapter of The Secret War on the Pan Macmillan website… just in case you’re stuck for presents this Christmas and want something dark to lightened the festive season!

(And on other matters IT... BT still haven't sent me the required software to get me up and running again at home, so if you're trying to contact me through the official website, my deepest apologies. Normal service will be resumed soon, or I'll be going with another provider!).