"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

(#) Our Writing World is today

Just a quick updated blog entry for this little experiment of ours...

...And a reminder, that on the 5th July, those of us who are #amwriting can tweet the latest 100 characters of their work under the hashtag #ourwritingworld for all of Twitterdom to read. 
But as there's also quite a few writers out there who don't use Twitter, you can still post the last 100 chars here as a comment to this post, or you can e-mail me at mfwcurran@talktalk.net.

My deal to you all, is that I will copy and paste these entries into a blog post along with your twitter names. It will be a very fractured narrative, possibly poetic, possibly chaotic, but if it works - if it gets enough publicity and enough people do it - we could have ourselves a world snapshot of writers doing what they love and telling everyone about it.

We've had a few writers publicly (and privately) saying they're up for this so it should be fun.

(Oh yeah, PLS RT!)