Out now on the Amazon Kindle:
The revised edition of the best-selling historical fantasy novel The Secret War:

“For thousands of years a secret war has been fought between Heaven and Hell. Daemons and angels, knights and vampyres (known as the cambion), clash for the future of mankind, and as the two sides wage war across the world, innocent people are caught up in the conflict – men like Captain William Saxon and Lieutenant Kieran Harte, two great friends who have recently survived the horrors of the Battle of Waterloo.
But now they face a greater struggle, against the daemonic forces of Count Ordrane, and the clandestine ambitions of the Vatican. They must try to survive assassination attempts, political machinations, epic battles on land and sea, and above all the power of a mysterious bronze pyramid – the Scarimadean – that brings everlasting damnation too all who come into contact with it. Their only allies are an old man, a fading secret organisation in the Church, and an enigmatic warrior, who may hold the key not only to the friends’ fates, but to the fate of all mankind…
The year is 1815, when angels and daemons walked our streets…”
What they said about the original book published in 2007 by Pan Macmillan:
“Curran has an engaging style which has produced a very entertaining book…Curran’s talent is in ascension, and I for one cannot wait to read the sequel…” Prism – newsletter of the British Fantasy Society
“…its gripping and above all it’s a tale that will suck the reader in from the first page… Definitely an author to watch although I wouldn’t leave this offering on the shelf for long, one of our tips to pick up and get into before the masses learn of them.” Falcata Times
“…Just the sort of book I love, a historical novel shot through with the elements of the fantastic to pump up the action and the scope.” Rick Kleffel’s Agony Column
“The Secret War is great fun and a terrific read, an interesting take on a familiar idea that falls somewhere between epic fantasy and boys-own adventure it’s a heady mix that’s well worth investigating.” The Disgruntled Writer
“Well written, especially for a first novel, the early-19th-century setting is realised in grimy detail and the battle scenes are very graphically described.” Otago Daily Times
“Worth the read if you like your warfare bloody and brutal…” Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
“Curran has produced a debut novel that’s tremendous fun…” Historical Novels Review
“Impressive for any writer, but considering this was his debut novel, this makes it even more worthy of note…” The Bookbag
“It’s well written and well paced with the mud & blood of battle coming through strongly without obsessing over the gore. …it’s an excellent read and thoroughly absorbing.” Un:Bound
“The Secret War is well written and an easy page-turner…” Chronicles
Out now: