"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Waking up to Wachter der Schatten

Today Random House/Goldman have cannily published the German translation of The Secret War (Wachter der Schatten) - the day following Halloween.

Other than the very limited run of overseas soft-backs, this is the first paperback run of the book, and the first mass-market print run of The Secret War, albeit translated into German by Michael Nagula and with a new title, which roughly translated means “Guard of the Shadows”.

For those who are not in the know, the rights to this edition where sold in two instalments last October, of which I received a tidy percentage. While I won’t be getting a bean from the numbers of German sales, I’ll be very interested in how well it does, keeping everything crossed that it becomes a big hit over there.

After all, the sequel has now been green-lit for publication and should Wachter der Schatten do well, this may encourage more publishers to come knocking on Macmillan’s door, enquiring about the rights of both books, and hopefully the third…

Monday, October 29, 2007

Regime Change

Over on the Macmillan New Writers blog, Brian McGilloway has kicked off a discussion on the fundamental approaches of writing. Now, I know I’ve covered this before in the three parts of “How we do that thing that we do” – sparked off by David Isaak’s investigation into the matter, and not wishing to hog the light again I thought I'd let others, such as Tim Stretton, have their say. However, changes in my own writing regime are afoot...

Past drafting

One thing I discovered while writing down my experiences in “How we do that thing that we do” was that no one way of writing fits all. In fact, while jotting down my preparations and approaches over the years, I discovered that each of my books warranted a different regime.

For The Horde of Mhorrer, my writing regime changed considerably from A World of Night and The Secret War. A World of Night was written largely during my journey around Australia and New Zealand on a little palm-top during the long bus or train rides from state to state. The Secret War was written and re-written over a period of twelve years or so, a protean book if ever there was.

The Horde of Mhorrer was written under entirely different circumstances. For one, it was a sequel to a novel that at that point had not found a publisher, so I was preparing to write something that could have been a waste of time commercially.
Secondly, when I started drafting I had just learned that Macmillan wished to publish The Secret War, so I was distracted by “first-novel euphoria” - protracted for about 17 months. As publication day approached, the more excited and distracted I became. My writing was the most immediate casualty of that.
Thirdly, and probably due to the second impact, my earlier writing regime that had served me well during the drafts of The Secret War and A World of Night, i.e. writing during my lunch-breaks at work, failed me miserably during The Horde of Mhorrer’s first draft. I lost most of 2006 writing the first draft of The Horde of Mhorrer and used only 20% of what I wrote. That’s a lot of wastage for a first draft in terms of words, though optimistically I can say I’ve learned more about my writing in that year and the first six months of this year than the previous ten – which is encouraging.

New project, new approach

Due to minor revisions on The Horde of Mhorrer for Macmillan New Writing, my next project, The Isles of Sheffield, has been delayed until the New Year. I could start it in December, but it feels right to begin in 2008 rather than during the Christmas festivities. And the experiences of this year and last, have encouraged me to review my writing regime to correct the problems I faced in 2006, and this includes the whole idea of planning and drafting.

At the moment, I know what I want from The Isles of Sheffield, and I have characters in mind – but I’m going to do the minimum of planning in terms of plotting, for this one. Isles will be an exercise in character-writing rather than water-tight plotting; I want to see where the book will take me before I start "reining" it in. I have a beginning in mind, and an ending. The story will be a circular one i.e. it will end as it begins; it's about the journey and the people along the way, more than the destination.

Any planning will concentrate mainly on the setting: which parts of Sheffield are flooded; the different communities on the hills; the flooded geography around the city such as the Peak District, the Midlands, the North West etc.; which familiar aspects of life will continue, and which will not... I’ll look at the history that led to Sheffield being reduced to a series of islands, the great flood, the civil war and what happened to the rest of the world. There won’t be too much of this in the book itself, but one rule I believe in is that the author should know much more about the fictional world than the reader does by the end of the book, regardless if the world is part of series of books or a stand-alone novel.

The other part of this regime-change will involve where and when I write. My day-job is still full-time. I don’t have the luxury of taking a few days out to concentrate on writing, so I’m limited to the odd weekend, evenings, and of course my lunch-breaks. For Isles, I won’t be writing during lunch-breaks - a period of just 30 minutes a day, including the time it takes me to switch off from work and concentrate on writing in a busy office environment. In the past, people have marvelled how I’ve achieved so much by doing that; I’ve been lucky and single-minded and so, by degrees, this regime has worked.

However, it failed spectacularly during the first draft of The Horde of Mhorrer.

For Isles, I’ll be writing primarily in the evenings, 1-2 hours each night. It gets around the piece-meal approach of writing prose “a little bit here and a little bit there.” I know other writers do this, but I write best when I get into some kind of rhythm. I'll spend my lunch-breaks editing, something I don’t have to completely switch off to accomplish, but a job that will speed up the following drafts.

It’s a new regime I’ve been experimenting with on the revisions for The Horde of Mhorrer, just to see if my writing improves; and also that I don’t alienate my wife, Sarah, at the same time.

So far so good, but it’s only been two weeks since I've started, so we’ll see what happens by the end of November.

Regime of the Future

2006 and 2007 has been wholly distracting, but I’ve gotten used to being a published author. It’s easy to get carried away with publicity and the status of being published, but it doesn’t write books. I’ve become pragmatic about it, and while it’s a fun part of being an author, it’s definitely not a priority for me now. Rather than fit my regime around my work on promotion, my promoting will fit around my writing and my home-life. It will become the first casualty, no doubt, if things become hectic.
I think next year is going to be an interesting and exciting year for me. Apart from The Isles of Sheffield, it could see both a change in my family life and my working life. And the choices that I and others make may well see another regime change.

But then, that’s the beauty of writing. No one way fits all.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The blog formerly known as “Macmillan New Writer”…

…Will shortly be changing to “A ‘Spot of Blood”.

In order for this blog to integrate with the official MFW Curran website, it will undergo a presentational shift over the next couple of weeks. Please bear with me while the change takes place – I promise it will be mostly painless, but it might take a few days.
The transformation ensures I get the most out of Blogger, but also removes any confusion with a second blog I’ve recently created, called Macmillan New Writers – a communal blog that showcases authors on the Macmillan New Writing list (click here to access).

But don’t worry, the content of this blog will stay the same, as will the web address (out of simplicity and nostalgia – so there’s no need to change your favourites/browser/link-address or adjust your television set…)

The future is red.
The future is splat-shaped.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Can anyone here read German?

Historically, October tends to be a lucky month for me. There have been many milestones in my life that have occurred in October, and this year has been no exception.

Apart from the good news that Macmillan New Writing have taken the second book, I also received a rather pleasant package in the post this week from Macmillan’s rights department: five gorgeous looking paperbacks of Random House/Goldman’s German translation of The Secret War.
They’re beautifully presented, and for purely narcissistic reasons I love that my name is nicely embossed on the cover. It’s also a thicker book – though nothing’s been added to the story as I understand it (though I wouldn’t know anyway, not being able to read German - which is something I will look to remedy).

Wachter Der Schatten appears on German bookshelves in November, and I wonder how the German public will take to it? The cover is striking enough (I would buy it) and I’m sure Michael Nagula’s translation is flawless and faithful (I’m in good company – among the other authors Michael has translated are Terry Brooks and Marion Zimmer Bradley).

Time will tell if it’s a success over there. But not surprisingly, I feel quite excited about it.


This will shortly be posted on my website – but I thought I would post it here first:

“Macmillan New Writing will publish the sequel to The Secret War (currently untitled) in Winter 2008/2009 (provisional publication date – tbc).”

My thanks to everyone who sent their best wishes over the last few weeks, as well as the team at Macmillan New Writing – needless to say I’m overjoyed, but there’s more work to be done before publication (not least a title for the book!).

Until then… there’s no rest for the wicked!


Friday, October 12, 2007

How to annihilate a holiday destination

At the moment, vacations are like buses. Having not been away since October last year (to Rome), Sarah and I have been to St Ives for a week this September, and now Lake Windermere for a long weekend. We’re also planning a complicated trip to Europe at some point over the coming months that may or may not include a day or two in Germany (I would just love to see Wachter Der Schatten on the bookshelves somewhere, perhaps Munich or Frankfurt!).

The jaunt up to Cumbria was one of those last minute things. I’m understandably on edge at the moment and needed to escape the confines of Sheffield for somewhere quite different, so a long weekend was the most immediate thing that came to mind.
And it worked.
I wound down completely, forgot about the book for a couple of days and enjoyed the surrounds of one of the most beautiful stretches of water in England. We dined well, slept well, walked our socks off, and were rewarded with a bright weekend. I guess the most surreal part of the weekend was drinking in a local pub rammed with English rugby fans cheering on the French as they beat New Zealand. And only then did I discover England had done the improbable and beat Australia (once again, I might add, but I won’t dwell on that too much!).

It was an impromptu weekend, of surprise and relaxation. And yet still I couldn’t switch off the ole writing brain, and began formulating a short story or novelette (you know, I love that term – “novelette” – it’s kinda a cute and conjures visions of a teeney weeney novel as thick as Middlemarch but the size of a postage stamp).

The story in question has the working title “The End of the World at the Lakeheights Hotel”. It’s a black comedy about Lake Windermere and it’s surrounds being utterly obliterated by an unexplained invader – as seen through the eyes of a hapless couple who are running a hotel, which is really just a B&B (the antithesis to the fantastic hotel we stayed in over the weekend).
Picture Raymond Brigg’s When the Wind Blows crossed with War of the Worlds and Fawlty Towers, and you might come close...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Small Changes

The blogging world is quite fluid. Blogs rise and fall, bloggers fall in and out of love with their muses, and in the world of literary blogs, writers suddenly realise they should be writing a story or a poem or whatever, rather than casting their immediate thoughts, feelings and observations down on screen for an audience on the world wide web.

So it’s not surprising when some blogs are abandoned. First up is the Charkin Blog, which has now closed it’s doors permanently (that is unless Richard Charkin takes up a similar obsession having moved to Bloomsbury, or someone else takes up the mantel at Macmillan). Next there’s Lucy McCarraher and Cate Sweeney, who appear to have called time on their respective blogging enterprises, having not blogged anything in months probably to pursue other things. So with abandonment comes the removal of the link (which I do with regret as I’ve spent many an enjoyable hour on all three blogs).

And then there’s this blog. I’m still unsure whether I’ll be keeping it going or not. There’s only so much you can say about publishing and being an author without it descending into parody. I might keep it as a tool to promote writing projects and any publicity-gumph. Or I might just end it.

But not yet. Not yet.
There’s still the matter of the sequel… And it’s fate should be decided pretty soon…

Post Script:

Gray Test Hits is evolving. From starting out as a short story, it’s now a novella.

But if there’s any danger of it becoming a novel, I might have to pull the plug on the whole thing… This writer’s brain is too small for another epic.