"Sharing writing successes - and rookie mistakes - since 2006"

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Will the 'real' MFW Curran please stand up?

We're still here. Honest we are.

As things pick up pace regarding the new MFW Curran website, there's been some changes here. Most notably the blog address. We're now called "Muskets and Monsters" dropping the "Macmillan New Writers" link.

I haven't been a Macmillan New Writer for some time now. I am, however, someone involved in muskets, and monsters, as well as flying to the stars, sinking cities and writing about general mayhem. It feels right this blog should now follow the course it was following some time back, and the address should reflect that.

Which brings me nicely to the website, re-launched in the next few days. As mentioned in a previous blog post, MFW Curran .com no longer exists, or rather is no longer mine. Some pesky person in China wants a lot of dough for just a name, and I'm having nothing of it. There are too many internet highway robbers out there that I care for. This is one of them.
But that's okay, because the 'real' MFW Curran has a 'real' website address and will be spreading the news from www.realmfwcurran.com.

As it was pointed out to me recently, the new website address reads like 'the realm of FW Curran,' which I like too. I've always considered my imagination to be a realm with loads of sub-worlds contained within, like some mental version of Middle Earth or Oz. So in keeping with that theme, this blog has the subtitle of "The Realm of Muskets and Monsters." This blog will be the world I inhabit most of the time, to bring you news and views, and my experiences of writing and publishing.

And the website will be the gateway here, so if anyone is having problems finding the way in, better to knock on the front door, than creep about in the back garden; as I hear in the back garden, there are trolls and fiendish pixies that will take your money or send you in the wrong direction.
That's what you get when your backyard becomes overgrown and over-run with pests!